Olive Oil

Olives of Arbequina an coratina varieties are the main raw material that provides the best possible extra Virgin olive oil

This raw material combined with an agile harvest procedure and a rigorous production process in our state of the art plant give life to a product with the best parameters of the industry such as acidity level, an unquestionable sign for a premium quality product.

Several international awards support the quality of our product.

Chorombo is driven by high quality standards supported by strict norms and controls. This is part of the Carozzi group total quality culture.

Harvest period: April/March 



Chandler variety only in order to guarantee a predominant share of extralight colors and a good caliber curve distribution.

Harvest period: march/April







The farm has 2000 hives of Apis Mellifera Cárnica in a Langstroth production system. Their territory is located in areas with native flora